English version

Dear colleagues!

We gladly invite you to take part in the International scientific and practical conference «History of contemporaneity. Informational resources, methods and research practices in Russia and abroad». It will be held from 28th to 29th of November 2019 at Russian State University for the Humanities and Russian Historical Society with the support of «History of the Fatherland» Foundation.

Studies of contemporaneity demonstrate ample opportunities for integral scientific approach for analyzes of phenomena and processes of the recent past. All of the above imply comprehensive scientific and methodological understanding and development of conceptual ideas about a number of scientific categories related to the history of contemporaneity. The conference aims to address these challenges.

The conference is expected to summarize an experience of research of the history of contemporaneity both in Russia and abroad. As well as the development of the concept of further development of this scientific direction. Leading Russian and foreign researchers, representatives of various scientific approaches and directions are invited to the conference.

The conference will consider the methodology of research history of contemporaneity, modern research practices, features of the resource base, the state of historiography, the questions and criteria of historical periodization, the formation of modern historical memory etc.

To participate in the conference it is necessary to submit an application by 15th of October, 2019 (Annex No. 1) and submit abstracts from the research (Annex No. 2). The volume of the research papers submitted for publication is up to 20,000 characters (with spaces). The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select articles for further publication in the conference sourcebook, that would be published by the beginning of the conference.

Applications for participation are accepted by e-mail of the Secretary of the Organizing Committee of the conference marked «Conference 2019» in the subject field; or on the website of Institution of History and Archives by the following link: https://www.rsuh.ru/iai/history-of-modernity/zayavka.php

Payment of transfer and accommodation for nonresident and foreign participants are at the expense of the inviting party.

Conference languages: Russian, English.

If you have any questions regarding the organization of the conference please contact the Executive Secretary of the Organizing Committee – Pavel D. Korsakov by e-mail korsakov.p@rggu.ru

Organizing Committee