Socio-cultural design of integrated communications
Socio-cultural design of integrated communications

Socio-cultural design of integrated communications

The relevance and advantages of the program in relation to similar programs of other universities can be seen in its wide professional context and the synthesis of theoretical studies and practical internships with companies/potential employers.

Our educational traditions call for active student research, which creates the skills necessary for work in the field of advertising and PR. The ability to independently choose the direction of your professional development is ensured by a block of elective courses.

A number of subjects of the curriculum are read in a foreign language, providing for a well-rounded education.

All the teachers of the professional cycle have an education and experience corresponding to the profile of the discipline they teach. They also conduct research and practical work corresponding to their specialization.

Types of occupation: creating professional texts.

Key disciplines of the program: Planning and implementation of advertising and PR campaigns, Sociocultural communication design, Intercultural interaction, Modern concepts of social communications, media and MCT: new technologies and formats, Innovations in integrated communications, Language and speech in the modern media, Ethics and axiology of integrated communications, Media technologies in social integrated communications, Modeling and design of integrated communications, Communicative landscape of Russian socio-political relations, GR in the system of integrated communications, Sociocultural design of territorial communications, System of cultural communications in the media (in English), Organizational behavior and conflict management, Modern technologies and the structure of international media industry (in English), Corporate culture and personnel management, etc.

Areas of occupation.

  • Integrated communications, combining various PR formats (in the field of promotion of media products);
  • Media and publishing (multimedia, print media, TV and radio);
  • GR and PR.