World Finance

World Finance

The purpose of the discipline is to organize the process of students acquiring knowledge, skills and competencies in a special area of modern entrepreneurship and international business – the international financial market.

Objectives of the discipline:

  • to study the essence, the concept of the world financial economy, to reveal the relationship between the real economy and the financial economy and to reflect the features of the process of financialization of the modern world economy;
  • to characterize the infrastructure of the international financial market as the material basis of the global financial economy;
  • provide a description of the subjects and participants of the international financial market;
  • classify types and types of financial and credit risks;
  • to establish the role and significance of derivative financial instruments as a mechanism for managing financial and credit risks;
  • to identify the importance and role of financial innovation and financial engineering in the development of the international financial market;
  • to study the rating agencies Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch as the main subjects of assessing the creditworthiness of enterprises and sovereign states, their shares and debt instruments;
  • describe countries with emerging financial markets as new subjects of the international financial market;
  • reflect the content and main directions of the international financial market infrastructure reform projects.
  • At the end of the course students are able to: 


  • the basics of constructing, calculating and analyzing a modern system of indicators characterizing the activities of economic entities at the micro and macro levels;
  • basic concepts, categories and tools of economic theory and applied economic disciplines;
  • regularities of the functioning of the modern economy at the macro and micro levels;
  • fundamentals of the construction, calculation and analysis of a modern system of indicators characterizing the activities of economic entities at the mega-level;

Be able to

  • to search for information on the received task, collect, analyze data necessary to solve the economic tasks;
  • to present the results of analytical and research work in the form of a speech, a report, an information review, an analytical report, an article;
  • analyze and interpret the data of domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, identify trends in socio-economic indicators;
  • analyze and interpret financial, accounting and other information contained in the reports of enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizations, departments, etc. and use the information obtained to make management decisions;


  • modern methods of collecting, processing and analyzing economic and social data;
  • methodology of economic research;
  • modern methods of calculation and analysis of socio-economic indicators characterizing economic processes and phenomena at the micro and macro levels;
  • methodology of economic research.

Contacts: Mikhail Vyacheslavovich Zharikov