International Marketing

International Marketing

The discipline "International Marketing (implemented in English)" is an elective course (B1.B.DV.02.01) of the block of disciplines of the curriculum formed by participants of educational relations in the field of training 42.04.01 "Advertising and Public Relations" (master level) (profiles: "Brand Management in Advertising and Public Relations", "Communications Management in the state and municipal services") of full-time, part-time and correspondence courses. The discipline is implemented at the Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations of the Russian State University of Public Relations by the Department of Integrated Communications and Advertising.

The purpose of the discipline - to give students a fundamental theoretical and qualitative practical knowledge of international marketing, skills and abilities of communication activities in international markets, to prepare a specialist with knowledge of the principles and processes of marketing activities and professional competencies necessary to carry out communication activities in international marketing.

Objectives of the discipline:

  • to teach the basic concepts of international marketing;
  • help in mastering the professional terminology in Russian and English;
  • formation of skills in using the methodology and methods of research of foreign markets and consumer needs;
  • training on the specifics of using the main marketing strategies when entering international markets;
  • formation of understanding of the specifics of communications in different countries and regions;
  • training in the basics of marketing communications in international markets;
  • training of specialists able to make creative and promptly informed decisions on the issues of communications in international business on the basis of the received knowledge.

The discipline is aimed at the formation of competencies: 


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Competency indicators

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Learning outcomes

УК-4 Able to use modern communication technologies, including in foreign language(s), for academic and professional interaction

УК-4.4 conducts business correspondence, taking into account the style of official and unofficial letters, socio-cultural differences in the format of correspondence in the state (s) and foreign language (s)

Know: peculiarities of stylistics of official and unofficial correspondence; socio-cultural differences in communication in Russian and foreign languages

Know how to: communicate with different audiences in academic and professional spheres

Know: principles of intercultural communication; rules of international negotiations

ПК-1 Capable of organizing and managing a unit (enterprise) in advertising and public relations

ПК-1.2 organizes work to improve external and internal communications and measures to build corporate identity and corporate culture

Know: the essence and concept of corporate identity and culture; differences in approaches to the formation of corporate identity in different national cultures

Know how to: organize the work on the improvement of external and internal communications of the company in different country markets

Possess: the principles and skills of corporate culture formation, based on the specifics of the country

ПК-3 Is able to carry out authoring activities to create a text of advertising and public relations and (or) other communication product of any level of complexity, taking into account the specifics of communication tasks and the existing international and domestic experience

ПК-3.1 creates advertising and public relations texts of any level of complexity, taking into account the specifics of communication channels and existing international and domestic experience

Know: the main trends in the development of communication channels; the main trends of international and domestic experience in the development of communications

Know how to: create texts of advertising and public relations in Russian and foreign languages, taking into account the specifics of communication channels

Know how to study the specifics of communication channels and how to adapt advertising and public relations texts to them

Contacts: Prof. Madina Gurieva (