International round table "Study of Latin America as an academic and educational project"


International round table "Study of Latin America as an academic and educational project"

On December 21, RSUH hosted an international round table "The study of Latin America as an academic and educational project."

The event was initiated by the Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Foreign Area Studies of the Institute of History and Archives of RSUH.

The round table was attended by Rector Bezborodov, as well as directors and representatives of the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading Latin American scholars from RSUH, the Institute of Latin America, St. Petersburg State University, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, students of RSUH, as well as representatives of universities in Brazil and Argentina.

The event was opened by Rector Bezborodov, who delivered a welcoming address, in which he emphasized that at the moment the comprehensive knowledge of Latin America was in great demand, and RSUH had accumulated positive experience in the gaining of it in cooperation with Mexico and Guatemala through the Knorozov Center.

Dr. Alexander Chubaryan, Academic Director of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, pointed out the role of Latin America in world history, as well as the changing interconnections of various regions within the renewing system of international relations.

Dr. Dmitry Razumovsky outlined the main tasks facing researchers, comparing the development of Latin American studies in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods.

The topics discussed at the sections were the creation of Bachelor's and Master's programs in Latin America in Russian, Brazilian and Argentinian universities, interaction between the RAS and the University in the study of Latin America both as a region and a cultural and civilizational integrity, and prospects for cooperation between Russia and Latin American countries in the field of education.

The participants pointed to the relevance of a comprehensive study of the Western Hemisphere, taking into account migration movements, integration and disintegration trends, new bipolarities in the modern polycentric world, global challenges and threats.

International participants outlined possible formats for cooperation between Brazil, Argentina and RSUH, expressed their interest in creating joint educational platforms and exchanging experience in teaching courses on Latin America, international relations, ecology and business.

Two leading Russian academic journals on Latin American issues were discussed: “The Latin America journal” was presented by Dr. Jeifets, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Center for Iberoamerican Studies of St. Petersburg State University, leading researcher at the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and “Iberoamérica” by Dr. Zbigniew Ivanovsky, Doctor of Political Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Latin America RAS, Professor of the Faculty of Global Processes at Moscow State University.

The round table ended with a discussion of the book "Rethinking Post-Cold War Russian–Latin American Relations", published in the USA in 2022.