Congratulations from Acting Rector Loginov


Congratulations from Acting Rector Loginov

Dear colleagues and students! I would like to wish you a happy Knowledge Day, a fine start of a new academic year!

Dear students,

By choosing the path of academic knowledge, you embark on your own professional path, form a life strategy, civic position, learn to understand your talents and abilities, becoming a modern comprehensively rounded-up person. Let the path of knowledge, discovery of eternal truths of science and culture strengthen you, give you an understanding of the meanings of life and creativity. Homeland, Occupation, Family, Good and Justice will be the milestones on this road.

"Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness": that is a well-known adage. It was the favorite one for the Russian commander Alexander Suvorov. He was never defeated, and he achieved it by conquering himself, his laziness and egoism, prejudices and vanity, this is how one becomes invincible.

RSUH is now the leading liberal arts university in the country, or rather the matrix of modern liberal arts knowledge. Our graduates are widely represented in all areas of public and political life - in science and education, in culture and art, in journalism and literature, in public service and government activities. Let our experience, our centuries-old traditions, methodology and unique teaching staff become for you a true basis for a successful and bright path in life.

I would like to wish you all productive work and academic discoveries in the new academic year.

Yours, Andrei Loginov, Acting Rector of RSUH