Russian – Swedish Center for Education and Research
Russian – Swedish Center for Education and Research was created in March 1996 by the RSUH, the Swedish Institute in Stockholm, and by the Swedish Embassy in the Russian Federation. The Center carries on active work within the framework of the Cooperation Agreements between the RSUH, the Uppsala University and Södertörn University College (Stockholm).
The Center’s principal goal is to implement the interdisciplinary specializations aimed at the in-depth study of the Swedish history, politics, economics, literature, culture and art.
The Center offers the following specializations:
- “Swedish History, Culture and Archives” at the Division for Archival Studies;
- “Swedish Culture and Art” at the Division for the History of Art;
- “Swedish History and Politics” at the Division for History, Political Science and Law;
- “Swedish History, Literature and Culture” at the Division for History and Philology;
- “International Cooperation in the Humanities: Russia and Sweden” at the Division for Management.
These specializations include the following disciplines: “Swedish”, “Learning about Sweden”, “Theoretical Grammar of Swedish”, “Swedish Culture”, “Lexicology of Swedish”, “Swedish Literature and Culture at the Turn of the Centuries (19th-20th Centuries)”, “The History of Swedish and Scandinavian Art”, “Swedish Historiography”, “Swedish History of the Middle Ages and the Modern History”, “The Literature of Sweden”, “Swedish Contemporary History”.
At the Center particular attention is given to the language teaching. For four years students study Swedish with leading professors from Moscow and with native speakers.
During the curriculum students of the Center visit Summer Schools of the Swedish languages at the Swedish Institute, are trained in the Folk High Schools of Sweden. Post-graduate students and teachers have an opportunity to pass scientific training at the Swedish universities.
An important component of the Center’s life, that Center holds international academic conferences and round tables where not only eminent scholars from Russia and Sweden but also students, graduate students, and young researchers participate. The Center regularly holds additional seminars for Swedish scholars, journalists, writers, politicians, and employees of the Swedish Embassy in Russia.
The Center’s Library comprises more than 3,000 books in Russian, Swedish, and English. Besides monographs and textbooks, the library contains most valuable bilingual dictionaries, monolingual dictionaries, phonetic and etymological dictionaries, unique volumes on art. The Center has a large media collection which includes films and programs in Swedish, CDs with Swedish music, audiobooks, and textbooks.
Director: Associate Professor, Tamara Torstendahl Salytjeva