About us

Russian-Turkish Educational and Research Center was founded in September 2000 with a view of further developing the branch of Oriental studies at the University, aided by the International Fund “Tolerance”, to train students majoring in Turkish language and related disciplines. The Center’s activities include organization and realization of joint Russian-Turkish educational programs, teaching Ottoman Turkish language and Turkic languages in general. All classes are taught by leading Russian and Turkish teachers.

Moreover, the Center offers extracurricular 2-year language courses with a certificate issued upon graduation.

The Center offers courses of Turkish language


4 academic hours a week. The classes are taught by leading specialists in Turkic studies from Russia and abroad. Upon graduation the students obtain RSUH certificate.


Moscow, 6 Miusskaya Square, bldg. 5, room 423
8 (495) 250-63-03, 8 (495) 250-63-14

Research and Conferences

The Center regularly organizes bilateral and international seminars and round tables for professors and graduate students on related topics and disciplines.

Our students and faculty actively participated and helped organize the Global Congress of specialists of Oriental Studies in Moscow in 2004. In 2009 the Center launched the round table “Multilateral and Bilateral Cooperation of Russia and Turkey”, in which took part Russian and Turkish political experts and diplomats as well as experts from CIS countries.

The Center regularly organizes meetings with Turkish ambassadors in Russia and counselors of the embassy, Russian diplomats and experts at different areas of Turkish economics.


The teachers of the Center have authored a great number of publications in Russia and abroad including research studies, dictionaries, Turkish textbooks, works on history, literature and problems of Turkic studies.

The teachers of the Center, known in Russia and abroad as leading experts in different areas of Turkic studies, regularly take part in international research activities.

Student Research

Our students, with the help of the teachers of the Center, prepare reports, course papers and theses on history, philology, culture, economics, recent problems of Turkey and Turkish diaspora.  Many of them work as interns at the Institute for Oriental Studies of the Russian  Academy of Science, Center for Oriental Literature of Russian State Library, archives and museums, Turkish publishing houses and various firms, and other organizations. The Center also provides an opportunity to obtain an official International Turkish Certificate of Turkish language proficiency.


At the Center there is a specialized library which contains a wide range of textbooks, classical and modern literature in Turkish and other Turkic languages, collection of audio and video materials.

Library’s fund is regularly updated with the help of international ties of the Center and embassy of Turkish Republic. Today it contains over 1500 volumes.

Language Practice and International Relations

Language practice is obligatory for all the students of the Center. The students study at language centers and the largest educational institutions of Turkey (Ankara, Istanbul). Moreover, they work as interns in Moscow libraries and research institutions for Oriental studies, work as interpreters at international conferences and exhibitions, and take part at archeological expeditions.

Professors from Turkish Universities, Turkish researchers, public figures and writers visit the Center during their official visits to Russia, give lectures and conduct seminars. There is a Cooperation Agreement in the field of student exchange between RSUH and the University of Fatih (Istanbul).

Our activities

Students of the Center take part in international Turkish language competitions, organized in Turkey and in Russia. They also participate in various events organized by the Center such as the enactment of official Turkish holidays, field trips, exhibitions of Turkish national art, etc.