Английский язык



You will hear two friends discussing evening study courses.

Decide which course each statement refers to.

(Еach correct answer - 2 points)


Mark the statements:            A       for Art

C      for Computers

S       for Spanish



1. You must book a place on this course.                    ______________



2. Polly already knows this subject.                            ______________



3. This course is taught by a qualified teacher.           ______________



4. There's an extra charge for this course.                   ______________



5. This course lasts for two terms.                               ______________



6. Students work hard on this course.                          ______________



7. Polly would do this course if she had time.             ______________



Шифр №___________


Choose the answer that suits best. (Each correct answer - 2 points).


1. They all passed ...... is considered an extremely difficult exam.


A. that B. which          C. what            D. -----


2. Those ...... with the political implications of the new policy are very worried.


A. certain         B. inclined        C. free             D. concerned


3. In 1964, Americans drank an average of 26 gallons of milk ...... .

A. each            В. every one                C. singly           D. themselves


4. ...... beef is a kind of ...... meat.

A. The, the                  B. A, the                      C. The, -                     D. -, -

5. ...... dishonesty by the media, the Minister decided to resign.

A. Accused in              B. Accused of              C. Accusing of             D. Accusing in

6. ...... received a letter from her. ...... did he. An hour ago he took the letters from the gilt wire cage.

They had been thrust through the slit in the door. ...... from Irene.

A. none, neither, none  B. nobody, either, no one         C. nobody, neither, none          D. none, neither, no one

7. "Do you like to play ping-pong?" - "I ...... , but now I prefer tennis."

A. used to do               B. used to playing                    C. used playing                        D. used to

8. Not until moon and stars faded away, did they look hopelessly into ...... face.

A. each other's                        B. each other               C. each's other                        D. each others'

9. Why did Helen ...... the idea of becoming a pianist?

A. give in                     B. take of                    C. give up                    D. get in

10. Have you heard the ... news about the bus accident?

A. latest                       B. last              C. lately                       D. most lately

11. I ...... of these two cars.

A don't like none                     B don't like neither                   C like neither               D like no one

12. Which of the employees ... on Saturday?

A. did work                 B. do work                  C. does work              D. worked

13. Nobody ...... enter this room so far.


A. was permitted                     B. was permit              C. has been permission to        D. has been permitted to


14. Barbara said that the grandma ...... her some money.


A give              B would give                C will give                    D would be given


15. We are going to Australia as soon as ...... taking our final exams.


A we are finishing                    B we'd finish                C we'll finish                D we finish


16. We have very ...... money left.


A few              B little              C a few                       D a little


17. You ...... lock all the windows and the front door before we leave.


A should                      B had               C would                      D ought


18. Jane ...... three letters so far.


A. write                       B. have written             C. wrote                      D. has written


19. George was very angry in the afternoon because he ...... any lunch.


A. had not had                         B. had had                   C. had             D. did not have


20. The teacher asked us ...... to each other.


A. not talk                   B. to not talk                C. not to talk               D. to not talk


21. Jack cut ...... when he was chopping carrots.


A. him              B. himself                     C. his               D. oneself


22. I have never insisted ...... to us.


A. on your coming                   B. coming                    C. to come                  D. to coming


23. ...... the more weight you put on.


A. when you eat more              B. eating more  C. the more you eat                 D. more eaten


24. Let's ask him to do this work, ...... ?


A. will we                    B. shall we                   C. don't we                 D. are we


25. Most of the candidates suffer from a(n) ........ of experience.


A. shortage                  B. lack             C. absent                     D. outgoing


26. My grandma makes me ...... carrots, but I prefer ice-cream.


A. eat              B. eating                      C. to eat                      D. to eating


27. ...... never knows what to say in such situation.


A. No one                   B. One             C. Someone                D. Each one


28. ...... rich pay higher taxes?


A. Does                       B. Do              C. Does the                 D. Do the


29. We are getting pretty fed up ...... him.


A. to                B. of                C. with             D. upon

30. Sorry, we're late. We were delayed by ...... .

A a heavy traffic                      B. heavy traffic             C. one  heavy traffic                 D. heavy traffics


31. My new coat cost me ...... the last one I bought.


A. two times                B. twice more              C. twice                       D. twice as much as


32. Would you mind ...... , please?


A. to open                   B. open the window                 C. opening the window            D. to the window opening


33. Ann's health is  ...... better now.


A. more                       B. much                       C. many                       D. less




Read the following magazine article and answer questions 1- 5.

Give only one answer to each question. (Each correct answer - 4 points).




VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) was always a great idea for people in their 20s, but what is less commonly known is that older volunteers are especially welcome. Today's volunteer force includes many professions - teachers, nurses, boat-builders, architects, food technologists etc. Volunteers are aged between 20 and 70. There are equal numbers of men and women and the great majority are single. However, up to 20 per cent of volunteer force is made up of couples.

For many people, VSO is associated with images of enthusiastic volunteers disappearing for two years into poverty-stricken areas, far from any form of civilisation. But as VSO Operations Director explains, the reality can be very different. "Many do end up working in places with no electricity or running water but, at the same time, many are allocated jobs in an environment similar to one back home. For example, some find work in a capital city, while others are employed in a college or clinic."

So how are volunteers selected? Competition for the 750 places on offer each year is fierce - every day the VSO offices receive hundreds of enquiries from potential applicants. For this reason, VSO has introduced deliberate testing, as VSO is not an easy option for drop-outs who fancy working abroad - the quality of volunteer is vital. The 8-page application form is the first stage of the application process. Next comes a one-day assessment, in which groups of applicants are put through tests to measure their motivation and ability to work well with others. Those accepted also go on a post-selection training and briefing weekend. Qualities looked for include adaptability, flexibility, open-mindedness and willingness to learn. But the selection process isn't infallible and, despite its efforts, ten per cent of volunteers return home within nine months. Obviously, some return because of things going wrong back home, but a proportion find they just can't take the lifestyle.

Most volunteers are sent out within six months of being accepted. Most are happy to go to any developing country and the more flexible they are, the sooner they will go. Each volunteer is given three grants - one before going, to equip him or herself, another to help settle in, and a final "re-equipment" grant on return to this country.  Salaries, which should cover only basic living, are paid by the government of the host country, although in some cases these are so low that VSO supplements them. Outward and return flights are paid for by VSO and accommodation is found and paid for by volunteers' employers abroad.

Some volunteers stay for a third year and some marry while abroad and never come back. But the vast majority return home, though it's not always easy to settle back into life back home. They find it difficult to share their experiences with others. Although people seem to express an interest and ask ex-volunteers to talk about it, they're not really interested because they can't relate to it. For this reason many volunteers stay in contact with each other after returning.

VSO is definitely very hard work but, who knows, maybe you could do it. You never know until you try...





•1.      When recruiting volunteers, VSO looks for

•A.     young single people

•B.     equal numbers of men and women

•C.     people of any age

•D.    people from specific professions


•2.      In what way is VSO work different from most people's impression of it?

•A.     Volunteers are generally not sent to the very poor areas

•B.     Conditions may be worse than is generally expected

•C.      Volunteers can generally choose to go to areas they prefer

•D.     Conditions may be more familiar than is generally expected


•3.      What kind of people does the selection process aim to eliminate?

•A.       People who are volunteering because of problems at home.

•B.       People who have never worked in teams before.

•C.       People who are not physically fit enough.

•D.      People who see it as an opportunity to spend time overseas.


4. VSO always pays for everything except

•A.     accomodation

•B.     basic living costs

•C.     flights

•D.    personal equipment


•5.      What often happens to volunteers on returning home?

•A.     Other people feel that they have changed

•B.     They can no longer get on with other people at home

•C.     Other people pay little attention to their stories

•D.    They get irritated by questions about their experiences