
RSUH Hindi Group Students recited the poems on Hindi

February 28, 2021
Moscow, Russia

The amazing online Poetry Meeting was held in Moscow organized by “महिला काव्य मंच मास्को इकाई (Mahila Kavya Manch Masko Ikaai)” and students of the Russian State University for the Humanities and Faculty of World Policy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia).

The organizers from two sides are:
Shrimati Shweta Singh, President of the “Women's Poetry Forum” Moscow Unit
Dr Indira Gazieva, Hindi teacher, RSUH

This was a very useful meeting of Russian students and poets. Reading Hindi poetry improves students' pronunciation and memory. Russian students who are learning Hindi language recited the poems of famous Indian poets:

Amina Mukhametkhanova recited the poem of Shri Naresh Naz – “ज़िंदगी में रंग तुम गुलज़ार से मांगा करो” and the poem of Dr. Rashmi Chaodhri - "सफ़र"

Alan Zigkaev recited the poem of Shrimati Prachi Chaturvedi Rangava – “धागा” and the poem of Shrimati Shweta Singh “Uma” – “भागदौड़”

Arina Shikina recited the poem of Shrimati Lalita Mishra - “रिश्ते – एक अहसास” and the poem of Shri Sushil Kumar Azad – “बहुत अनपढ़ थी मेरी माँ”

Yulia Aleshina recited the poem of Shrimati Namrata Singh – “तू कौन है तेरा नाम है क्या”

Ekaterina Moskalenko recited the poem of Shri Naresh Naz – “दोहे”

Alena Plotnikova recited the poem of Shri Sushil Kumar Azad – “समाज तो विकलांग था”

Arina Novikova recited the poem of Shrimati Sneha Dev - “नारी हूँ मैं... ” and the poem of Shrimati Sarvamangala “Saom” - “अफ़साने”

Alina Fasakhova recited the poem of Dr. Durga Sinha “Udaar” - “विश्व ऐक्य की भाषा हिन्दी ”

Sofiya Kiseleva recited the poem of Shrimati Shweta Singh “Uma” - “शब्दों का कारोबार”

Jay Hind! Jay Russia!

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