On August 29, the Academic Council of RSUH approved the Code of Academic Culture and Ethics. The text of the Code is available here
Under the management of Vice-Rector Pavlenko and Director of the Federal Center for Humanitarian Practices of RSUH Dr. Pishchulin, the expert team has developed the Code on Upbringing and Education, Student Traditions and Holidays of RSUH. Representatives of the Student Council approved the draft.
The developers of the Code described the unique characteristics and features of the academic culture of the University - the fundamental ideas, principles and values underlying the educational process and academic activity, the way of life of its faculty and students. "The formation of the worldview and the adjustment of the values of students is developed through the process of communication with teachers, spiritual environment of the University, interaction with its cultural landscape. Therefore, education is not to be seen as a separate area, nor should it be present only at "special events" separate from the educational process, the authors of the Code believe.
The preamble formulates the mission and values of RSUH. The main part discloses the principles of educational, academic, educational, administrative, managerial and service-related activities. It also reflects the scope of application of the Code, traditions, holidays and ceremonies of the University, general provisions regarding academic and pedagogical schools of RSUH.