Rector of RSUH answered students' questions online


Rector of RSUH answered students' questions online

On April 27, Rector Alexander Bezborodov met with students online. Vice-Rectors Olga Pavlenko, Irakly Bolkvadze, Nadezhda Arkhipova, Pavel Shkarenkov, Mikhail Kozhokin and Alexander Martynov were also present. The meeting was broadcast on the official channel of RSUH on YouTube.

Students were mostly interested in the questions of the State Exam, the tuition fees in connection with the transition to a distance format, as well as the issues of the educational process in online mode.

As Rector Alexander Bezborodov said, “the University works according to the officially approved standards and curricula, whether it be teh State Exam or some other aspect. People who advocate that this or that form of reporting be removed, lower their status in the labor market, which in the near future will be difficult enough as it is for young people. Think ahead. ”

The administration does not support the idea of ​​abolishing the State Examination. “The University makes great efforts to ensure that the State Exam be stressless emotionally, yet present formally and technologically. The University will do everything to guarantee this without breaking the curriculum,” concluded Rector.

In turn, Dr. Nadezhda Arkhipova, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, explained that in the near future RSUH would issue a temporary provision on the Exam.

“This year, the school year has been extended until July 5,” Vice-Rector said. - Before taking the State Exam, you have to go through intermediate certification, and the Exam will be held in almost the same form. So, you will gain some experience when passing the certification.”

Dr. Arkhipova promised to use an individual approach during the Exam. “Technically, we will foresee everything. There will be several backup days on which you can take the Exam. All technical difficulties will be accepted as good reasons for a postponement. We will be taking everything into account: your previous merits, your GPA, etc. In fact, we always do this. Therefore, there should not be any stress.

The coronavirus will pass, and it’s better to remember not that you went the easiest way, but that, despite all the difficulties, you showed excellent knowledge of your subject and displayed the ability to understand, think, argue - this is the most important thing. And this, of course, is understood by all members of the State Commission.”

Answering the questions related to the tuition, Rector reminded that RSUH is a state educational institution, whose founder is the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. “The Ministry adheres to the position that in the absence of decrease in the quality of education, it is not advisable to reduce tuition fees. We are doing everything to ensure that the quality remains at a high level, and we do not plan to reduce tuition fees. We have always provided support to people in real need who, due to objective reasons, cannot pay for their education in full. Perhaps we will issue internal local acts that would allow us to optimize the discount system.”

Rector also urged students to immediately inform the administration of the University about cases of unfair attitude of teachers to the educational process.

We are, Rector noted, considering the possibility of helping students to find employment with the University Admissions for the summer period.

“We will be closely examining the financial situation of everyone in order to support people who have difficulties, starting from the first weeks of summer,” said Alexander Bezborodov. - We will approach this as individually as possible, carefully studying the needs of each person.

We are proud of our students. Dozens of RSUH students work as volunteers in dangerous places in this extremely unpleasant time, and we will find an opportunity to thank them.”

For the questions not addressed during the meeting due to time limitations, answers will be sent by mail in the near future.

For questions regarding scholarships (all except the State Academic one) and other financial issues, as well as the dorm, please contact:

Department of Student Social Affairs
8 (495) 250-6399