Открытый семинар Института лингвисти...


Открытый семинар Института лингвистики - Доклад Алана Ченки, 24 ноября 2022

Второе заседание осеннего семестра Открытого семинара Института лингвистики РГГУ пройдет в четверг, 24 ноября. С докладом "Speakers’ gestures and semantic analysis" выступит профессор Свободного университета Амстердама Алан Ченки. Доклад будет прочитан на английском языке. Время начала — 18:30, форма доклада - дистанционная.

Аннотация доклада

The talk will consider how the study of speakers’ gestures can contribute to semantic analysis of spoken language, taking the position in cognitive linguistics that semantics is based in conceptual structures and processes. We will see what spontaneous use of gesture might reveal, as well as what it cannot, about phenomena such as mental simulation, the use of spatial imagery, and objectification of abstract concepts (through metonymy and metaphor). Consideration will be given to differences between production of communicative behaviors by speakers and comprehension by those hearing and seeing them (that is: whose conceptual structures and processes we are making claims about). Finally, both spoken language and gesture are dynamic phenomena, so we will consider the implications this dynamicity has for semantic analysis.

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