Мероприятия, события, объявления


Лекции преподавателей Карлова университета об истории холодной войны

 Лекции преподавателей Карлова университета (Прага, Чехия) Станислава Тумиса и Яна Коура, посвященные истории холодной войны

 1 ноября 

в ауд. 228 (профессорская)

 с 12.00 до 15.30

Язык лекций – английский.

12.00 - 13.30 - Dr Stanislav Tumis. Soviet Foreign Policy on the Eve of the Second World War (1938–1939)

Within the international crisis period of 1938 to 1939 the Soviet politicians aspired in some respect to three possible foreign policy strategies – 1) co-operation with the Western partners, France and Great Britain; 2) isolationistic policy; 3) to revisit co-operation with Germany. Why the Soviet politicians finally chose the most inconceivable option, i.e. co-operation with Germany, is the question of this lecture which deals with three key foreign policy events of 1938 and 1939: 1) the Czechoslovak c risis leading to the Munich Agreement when the Soviet Union adopted de facto an isolationist policy; 2) Soviet–British–French negotiations on the eve of the Second World War when Soviet politicians made a serious effort to co-operate with the Western partners; 3) signature of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact when the Soviet leaders decided for Germany.

Dr Stanislav Tumis is a senior lecturer at the Department of the East-European Studies, Charles University, Czech Republic. He graduated from Charles University and Anglia Polytechnic University in Cambridge (UK), his visiting fellowships include University of Lund (Sweden), Precarpathian National University of Vasyl Stefanyk in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine) etc. He deals primarily with the history of the Soviet Union and post-Soviet republics.

14.00 - 15.30 - Dr Jan Koura. U.S. propaganda in the early Cold War

Promoting a positive image of the United States in the world emerged as a foreign policy goal for the U.S. administration in the 1930s. After World War II, the U.S. State Department began to consider propaganda to be an integral component of U.S. foreign policy. With the growing importance of the United States in the international arena, it was necessary to explain the ideas and objectives that defined U.S. foreign policy to the world public. This talk will discuss how the United States intended to win over the “hearts and minds” of peoples after the World War II with the focus on U.S. propaganda and public diplomacy towards post-war Czechoslovakia.

Dr Jan Koura is a lecturer at Department of World History, Charles University, Czech Republic.  Previously, he was a Visiting Fellow at University of St Andrews and Fulbright-Masaryk Fellow at George Washington University. His main research interests include Cold War history, U.S. foreign policy and public diplomacy towards Eastern Europe after World War II, and Euro-Atlantic relations in the 20th century.